Anyway, the point is that I know that I am moving cities and I know that I am not going to spend my weekends in the university, like I did for the past couple of months. So, to anyone who has come here to read these pages, thank you I am glad you came. If we ever did talk about anything, even if we disagreed, I really enjoyed talking - words are much nicer than the gray and yellow walls. Do drop a line, if you feel like it.
A couple of blogs that I have read for the past few months or sometimes longer. Oh do I need to tell you what's good about each one of them? They are all people really, much like anyone of us, with their own sets of the good, the bad and the ugly ;) and, there have been times when I have found the communication gaps too big while communicating over blogs, such a pity!
So, having said the previous statement, I can honestly say all good things about them now - so here goes, in no particular order -
Jabberwock - Jai Arjun Singh, also writes professionally for the newspapers. He mostly has interesting things to say about interesting things. Much much fun.
India Uncut - Rave Out - This is written by a geographically diverse group of people talking about similar things. Basically reviewing books, music etc.
Mukta writes Chiffonesque - A cool little charming blog, its hard to put your finger on what is so charming about the blog, but I guess it is the honesty.
David write Relative Poetry and thinks Deep Thoughts - if you search around on his blog, there is an excellent story of a mouse :D. The first time I came across Dave's blog was thru 'NEXT BLOG' button and it was during a four part (1, 2, 3 and 4) series (it was of course cool that he ended up the series for me - thanks), I am glad he wrote about it again too. There is a whole lot of meaning on Dave's blog.
Scott Adam writes the Dilbert blog, of course.
Brian is finishing an MFA (which is something to do with writing fiction) has one of the most sarcastic posts, sometimes puts pictures of himself and his cat on the blog - but most importantly has Haiku Saturdays. Tut, I dont think I will be able to write there with the weekends being spent like normal people. (and just because i have to say this - american saturday is australian sunday)
and Quinn has a project on. Hear him talk about writing and you wonder how did you never realise there is so much to it before. Anyway, PFANM publishes a magazine, so this is one thing I can see past the bend.
So this really is kind of part-1 leaving. there might be other parts and then, finally, i might shut up!!
The picture on the top from here
Lovely photograph and writing! The aerial perspective looks great - can you say sth about the location?
Thanks for the mail. I followed the link from a comment you left at Chandan Crasta's book cover illustration blog.
oh! :)
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