So, is it just me or do you find something odd with the above picture? (I always notice the odd thing in pictures, it is the common theme running thru all of mine. That is mostly a terrible thing, but sometimes it comes in handy because it gives me the moral right to make fun of odd pictures.)
I saw this picture months ago, and my first thought was - why is the guy not leaning on the tree? surely he is not trying to put Cirque du Soleil to shame, because he is so going to drop as soon the camera has clicked! But why would anybody sit like that? now from personal experience (yeah i know you know about my social life, no point pretending) I can tell, the guy went to this beautiful looking place with some other people and then the other guys who could see nothing but wet grass, some wild trees and cloudy skies and could not appriciate the poetry of the moment said -
'Hey this is boring lets go back!'
and our friend said -
'But but.. this is so beautiful!'
'It makes one think of poems and such beautiful things'
and they said -
' '
and he said -
'Ok take a picture at least'
and they said -
'Hurry up then'
and in the hurry, people, in haste, we find this most unnatural pose ever; which has bothered me sufficiently to finally put it right for myself.

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