Friday, 18 April 2008

Pop environmentalism (another tag!)

Environmentally what is the worst thing, you think, you do:
Waste a lot of paper;
Write on, Print on, Re-print on, Re-Re-print on, Read from, Clean the table, Dry my hands, Wipe my bum, Blow my nose, Carry groceries, Package stuff, and what not!

One habit you think you might have changed:
I pick up less number of plastic bags during shopping, I should like zero bags, but I am getting there!

One general habit that baffles you:
That people actually buy bin bags!

One question you would desperately like answered:
What is the connection between money/economy and natural resources?

If you could change the way people think, you would:
Like them to ponder on the Gaia hypothesis; and reconsider what constitutes happiness.

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