Tuesday, 6 March 2007

I was in a big hurry yesterday and I only had time to post Piolin Fax’s email. I must thank her again, and I must explain how I love that picture.

Firstly to Piolin Fax - you are an amazingly talented person and I wish you good luck with your art, I do not know the language you write in so I haven’t been able to decipher anything on your page.

Now about the girl you see above - Do you see the rough edges, the yellow, the blue, the red, the green at the background, the black hair, the unconventional black smile – a huge one too, the unruly black hair, the big huge flower. The unkempt girl, un-barbie-doll-pretty and charming. Do you see that there are such strong colors and yet nothing really stands out, everything is in some kind of harmony.

Oh I love the girl you painted, Piolin Fax!! Many thanks!!


Unknown said...

Thanx a lot, Neha. I am surprised that you like so much my little doodle (the original is very little indeed). Nicely surprised, I have to add. :) The language I mainly write in my page, as you rightly guessed, is Spanish but there is not many interesting things there. Oh! By the way: you must not thank her again ... but thank him again XD

neha said...

ha ha :D

sure! i'll thank him again!!

neha said...

and oh yes, we'd love to hear the story behind the doodle... (if you dont mind sharing it, of course)

you doodle in color?