Wednesday 3 July 2013

Loquacity Garrulousness and an excuse to write these words up!

Please indulge me, hypothetical reader, because I am tending towards loquacity* or garrulousness, whichever way you might have it.  (My housemate is away and I simply LONG for a simple conversation that one can have while making themselves a dinner, or while watching a TV show, or when one reads something completely insane in the newspaper and rushes to the living room because this absurdity simply needs to be shared! I don't know when I turned into this and I don't know if I can manage without intelligent adult company for long times anymore... I am not entirely sure when my experiments with solitary confinement reached a conclusive end, but i doubt if it can tempt me much more...) The trouble with being alone isnt anxiety as much as a lack of checks and balances - something that Newton's law of inertia puts so succinctly: When viewed in an inertial reference frame, an object either is at rest or moves at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by a force. But this isn't new, I am just repeating it because I am experiencing it again, we have spoken before about, it is not what you think but how you think that matters.
*a word I picked from here. isnt it lovely?

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