Friday 4 October 2013

grains of sand or not

From a distance, the earth looks blue
And the ocean meets the sky       
From a distance there is harmony …

I was humming this song in my head today, when I realised that the singer and I were drawing completely opposite conclusions from the same phenomenon – I think the song is talking about looking at the bigger picture and I was thinking about the illusions our mind weaves. We are semi-drunk neurotics most of the time, if you ask me, constantly trying to call a thing by its true name and to see it for what it is – constantly trying to see why are we here and while we believe, with good reason I hope, that there is something meaningful and joyous, within our reach in our life ahead – I think that most of us are not good predictors and constantly surprised that the world is not an enid blyton book, but more the way Shakespeare wonders about it, "there are more things between heaven and earth…" There is music in the world that we are all dancing to, unconscious of its sound – and hence we constantly surprised by the way we react to the world and the way the world reacts to us.

I was also thinking about this article from the paper today that said that people have just over a hundred clothes in their wardrobes that they don't use; and apparently we have around 9 recipes that we circulate between at any time! Fascinating considering that most homes I know carry a small library of recipe books as well.
Maybe we must walk thru the world and live in it, to neither stick to things nor carry them – to keeps our palms empty as they take and give. To have no list of things to do before we die, knowing very well that such lists are always going to be too long and too incomplete at the same time – the depth of beauty in the world is unlimited – and to try and hold it in ones grasp is as unnecessary as it is impossible.  So what of it? Are moments of life as scattered as grains of sand in the wind or is there a meaning to it that string them together?  Let's simplify and find out…

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