Wednesday 16 July 2008

The powerful

Power over other people makes us hypocrites, what I find interesting is, that there is no law in nature to ensure that power does not go into the hands of people who do not know how to deal with it. It is handed over to people who cannot deal with it and instead of staying in their hands, it ends up in their heads – making them a cruel caricature of themselves. Their idea of an ideal world/person is so screwed, that in implementing it, they screw the whole thing up. (For, I believe, everyone is inching towards their idea of ideal… honesty makes the inching faster, growth makes the ideal clearer, more refined, and more aligned with the absolute ideal/truth.) If a law as bizarre as gravity can be so deeply coded into the world, I wonder why this law can’t be implemented.

In the next version of the matrix, you'll find it there... I just sent it to the suggestion box - these programmers take the suggestion box seriously!

Added later:
Dilbert cartoon website


VB said...

The law is so fundamentally ingrained into life, albiet in a slightly modified way.

Even the most powerful shall wane. The strongest too shall fall. Remember the conversation between Pitamaah and his mother ganga?

Neha said...

Yes, i guess you are right.

Each creation shall carry within in the seeds of its destruction! Ah of course!! (but doesnt this really mean that no one shall always truely deserve to have power over anyone but themselves?)