Sunday, 14 December 2008

A modern day fairy tale

once upon a time there was a girl with a blog called, air is in the love. quite surprisingly (for any of her blogs) that blog actually had a readership. she would write nice articles that could only be written when one had the angst and the time of a poor student. Put nice links to stories (even one to a saki story that no one is ever going to find again) and even put poems, really good poems, up there. all was well, but she could not find the purpose of it all, she did not know why say it?... so, one fine day, she deleted the blog and a lot articles that went up on that blog were lost forever.
instead she put up another blog called why say? why say did just what it said, and she soon found the reasons to say whatever she said. But the love of 'air is in the love' was by this time lost to someone who only found 'love in the air', and not the other way round.
and so when on one saturday night when she had had too much coffee to be able to sleep, as she was browsing thru other blogs and reminded of her posts of old, she found that they (her old posts) were so completely lost that even google's cached memory didn't have them anymore. and in memory of her dear old blog, she just put up another blog entry...


Harish Suryanarayana said...

That is a sad sad tale. :|

neha said...

hey harish... yeah i know. i think i might have some drafts saved up somewhere... i'll try and dig them up.

PS: sorry for the delayed replies, i have (:D) travelling!

neha said...

but that saki story i believe to be lost. :(