Sunday, 15 February 2009

Tag - I'll have 25 of those please

You are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.

1. I have been wanting to put up a tag on my blog for a while now, and I was quite excited when I saw someone come up with this one on facebook.

2. I try to wiggle my feet into my shoes without opening the laces or buckles.

3. I am very fussy about haircuts, or atleast my haircuts.

4. My housemates keyboard doesn't have a fuctional Ctrl key, because of which I can't use shortcuts - that annoys me no end!

5. I find facebook (and other internet links) confusing; I seem to know a fair few of someone's personal details but I am still not really their friend. Someday I'll the will have the will power to get myself off it.

6. People often find me smiling, but I am not sure if it is a plesant smile or a kind of botoxed gaping one.

7. I think some people quite literally light up the room!

8. I like blogs better than facebook;

9. I am quite happy with and proud of BlinksView.

10. I think most things can be explained by habits.

11. I would never like to go back in time; whatever is truely valuable is always going to be around.

12. I hate mess.

13. I can't work in completely sanitised environment, I like personalised space. A bit of a chaotic mess.

14. I like people using please and thank yous.

15. I have carried an orange and a pink mobile phone, because the one I owned was sent to the factory. My first mobile phone was navy blue, and the latest one is black.

16. My first laptop lasted me 4 years; the record since then has been a bit dismal, as one got taken away, and 2 got stolen (on the same night).

17. I have had my bicycle stolen, my laptops stolen and have had someone break into my office, and into my home once. I have had my wallet returned to me twice by strangers - once at a cafe; and once at a food court in the shopping mall.

18. I like bike-riding, the mechanical one.

19. I think Canberra would be nicer by having a few more late night cafes, lounges and ice cream bars.

20. I wish Charles Dickens would have finished The Mystery of Edwin Drood before he died.

21. I wonder if Russians have ever written a proper comedy.

22. I always have a to-do list scribbled up.

23. I think Google has raised the bar very high for a user friendly interface.

24. I am a bit short on patience, but I think when I really have to, I do manage to persist.

25. I like Peanuts; but dont enjoy Archies.

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