Saturday 21 April 2012

This, that and the other

I am currently obsessed with BBC series Sherlock, and I have always loved the books - my favourite, incidentally has the least of Holmes and Watson, and is called the Valley of Fear.

I was previously being a maniac about the inheritance cycle, and you really can't but laugh out loud about the fact that the guy who could write interestingly about the politics and histories of at least 4 or 5 kinds of creatures, couldn't come up with a better name than a dragon with an 'e'!

Would you believe it that my niece and nephew figured out that people don't live in computer/tv screens before they figured out how to speak!

While I got married almost before I told my friends and acquaintances about it, i have at least had the dubious pleasure of seeing people react to the news of my impending divorce, hah!

and I am moving houses again, and that means I would have moved houses about - oh forget it, i have lost count - but again within 2.5 years! i will again be culling down my possessions and be off and away before you'd know it. where to now? 

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