Thursday 23 April 2015

I am temporarily incapable of making decisions

I am suffering from decision fatigue:
apart from the fact that I have to decide everything about my kitchen renovations - who does it, how, when, how much do I pay and where do I get the money from - and about adopting my pet - what breed, what colour, what breeder, am I paying anything reasonable for it, what vet, where will it live, and, of course, do I really need one - and my sports and gym - am I spending too much, am I over-committing my time - and my travels - thankfully I have off-loaded these decisions to a friend; I can't even seem to hold to a routine about what to do each week-night, or the time of waking up! I do manage to decide how to get to work, but I am incapable of taking the guilt-free decision; and I feel like killing myself while paying the parking, EVERY MORNING! Did I mention I've thinking about getting myself a car, for well over 8months! a decision that seems to be supported by practically everyone who sits in my car... =) 
I am simply incapable of deciding who I want to be in a long term relationship with!!
It is a relief to acknowledge this fatigue.

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