Monday 4 March 2019

Sustained Success

This is my year of focus, and it came from me sitting alone on my desk and taking a deep look at what I was doing, only to realise that actually it is as common as cold and the journey is as simple as deciding to sit in a boat and letting the current carrying me.

One of the people creating that current* is James Clear, and I came across his excellent book and articles.

In one of which he says this excellent thing,

So, as a first step, I thought I should decide the type of person I want to be.

I listed all the people I admire, and then quickly marked the qualities that I admired in them. I realised there were really just two reasons why I admired people, either they kept getting promotions and more promotions, or they were kind. I usually admired people best who were both.

Drill down a little bit more and I realise the kind of person I want to be is,

Seen as a expert who raises the bar on the quality of the product
Seen as a consultant who is effective and efficient, who had a pulse on what was needed and were able to get it done
Seen as a person who is kind and helps people find their strengths.


*For me. This is my blog, everything that is specific is specific to me.

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