Monday 29 November 2010

Why can’t I do that?

Life for a kid sister is often not very easy, but is exceedingly simple – it is not wrecked with much confusion over choices and such – you know from the start there is exactly one thing you want to do, whatever your brothers are doing, and there is exactly one question in the world that bothers you, why can’t I do that?

Except for wanting to go to school, like my brothers, I have wanted to everything they did… My parents did send me school but the best part of being grown up is that I am now at least tall enough to go swimming, big enough to go camping, un-rash enough to ride a bicycle, old enough to drive a car, and perhaps un-rebellious enough to earn some money and live in strange city all by myself.

However now I find there are new things that people around me can do, which make me wonder, “Why can’t I do that?” Having an attention span not comparative of a gold fish, simply tops the list.

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