Friday 8 June 2012


merriam-webster tells me otherwise, but i can't believe that whole and hole have different origins. (tho,  would tell you that holy and whole are related.) Of course, it is words like these that make puns all the more fun, if you are so inclined. most people apologise for a pun, and i am not alone in wondering why.

there is such a wealth of philosophy that could exist behind the two words: perhaps behind them lies the solution to what buddhist say "Nothing exists" and what the hindus say 'It exists' (you would, of course, know what i am talking about, if you had bothered to hear the lectures on kathopanishad) or what buddhist call shedding the self, and what hindus call shedding the non-self (which Mr. Oppegaard and I talk about here - please do ignore my getting all self-conscious at the end of the first comment and after, it really could have been a nicer discussion if I hadn't behaved like I was in high-school!)

weirdly enough the word for marriage doesn't share any root with either of the above words, you would think so, wouldn't you? considering presumably causes either a whole, or a hole....

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