Monday 30 December 2013

The year just gone...

This year is not yet complete but if I had to sum it up, 2013 was a year that wasn't waiting for anyone; it was totally unpredictable and it just kept rolling on, taking whatever in its stride and showing that beauty and happiness in this world are perhaps, after all, other-worldly.

It will go down as the year when I first heard the Bhagvad Gita**

THAT was by far the biggest highlight of a year that included, among other things, a divorce, dating and being hurt by a (once?) best friend, twitter, kindle, a fair bit of travelling to lands far away and never stepped on before -USA and outback Australia - and the very usual but none the less HUGELY appreciated out-of-this-world kindness by my family...

AND even tho it was such a long year, it was still the days that ruled^^ - as the days rolled on, bringing all sorts of unpredictable drama each day it was still the little things i did each day that really ruled the year:-

  • The daily drive with the Gita that made my heart soar, particularly because of how much and how well Krishna loves his friend; and the wisdom that can bring peace and meaning to the best and worst of days.
  • The ease of kindle* and the pleasures of twitter and brain-pickings;
  • Scheduling in playing, singing or something that just made me appreciate how well my body can do random stuff for fun and thankfully how it heals even when accidentally harassed!
  • And being aware at any point in time that i contribute to and have access to the joy and harmony in my relationships with my brothers, family, friends and the universe... that, in spite of it all, i am loved and i am capable of loving!

Here is to an even better 2014!!

**when i can manage to approximate it in words, I'll post about how glorious an experience that was!
^^ Think: the days are long but the years are short...
*one of the best designed devices I have held in my hands! I read so much more because of it and there will be a post about that too... at least, it is intentioned.

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