Thursday 26 February 2015

Letter to my younger self

Dear Younger Self,
To be fair, I think you did really well - at least, all things considered. At my ripe old age, if I were to look back, I think life dealt you with a reasonable hand of cards and you have played them reasonably well. I do not have a whole lot of money, nor a whole lot of professional success - both of which were not unachievable goals - but you have had a good share of experiences, and if nothing else, I do commend you on your bravery in saying yes to life and miraculously coming out not badly scathed. Of course you got a FAT lot of help, but I am glad you took it - life and the world are not idiot-proof and I am glad you have chosen not to be an idiot a lot of the times.
If there is one thing I could tell you, tho I don't feel a whole lot wiser than you, it would be this: Things take time, but never EVER lose sight of your goal. Never lose confidence in the worth of your goal and never lose confidence in your ability to achieve it. If your goal seems childish now, it is okay to review it, but always be steered with a goal in life. Everything gains perspective when you have somewhere you are trying to reach, it is a beautiful thing and it gives meaning and value to experiences, good and bad. I believe that there is more to the world than meets the eye, and we are here, because here there was something we wanted to try out - it is within us, as a calling, yearning to be expressed, and it is very individual. We are, as Swamiji would say, born to succeed. Make sure you do!
Hugs and much thanks,

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