Tuesday 16 June 2015

Why is the best yet to come?

Cynicism is not really a choice, it is a reaction, a response of the intellect when the mind looks at things in a certain way. I would like to say it is similar to how once you have eaten something you cannot chose for it to taste different - but you can always choose to put different things in your mouth, some things are easier than others to come by.

So when Assimov says,
"To me it seems to be important to believe people to be good even if they tend to be bad, because your own joy and happiness in life is increased that way, and the pleasures of the belief outweigh the occasional disappointments. To be a cynic about people works just the other way around and makes you incapable about enjoying the good things."

I think if you have observed people to be bad, it is nearly impossible to believe them to be good. That is why so many people have such great problems with religion, once they have observed that God doesn't quite exist, they can't go on believing in the bigger picture, great meaning of the world and this life.

That is why I like the Bhagvad Gita, it completely caters to people who have not observed god. krishna doesnt even guarantee arjun victory in war, he just says - do what you must, do it for a bigger cause and you will be happy - basically stop worshiping the 'I want' within you and come to see there is a whole wide world besides and you will be happy and at peace. He then goes ahead and talks about gods, and God, the world we experience when we are awake and the one we experience when we are asleep, while dreaming or not. He explains that once you are not entirely consumed with the 'I want' within you and when at peace, you will see the world differently - you will see there is more to it than meets the eye. You will see the bravery of everyday people, and immeasurable kindness of their hearts, the incredible resilience of their dreams and visions - and you will notice that it is those moments of strange forgetfulness of 'I want' and a strange recognition of 'We are' that bring out the shiniest, brightest, kindest, most beautiful in each one of us and makes life worth living; guarantees that the best is yet to come.

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