Friday 23 November 2018

Nearing the end of 2018!

Continuing the tradition from:
and the original

1. What makes this year unforgettable?
Last year I learnt that if you see how lucky you are, you become even more lucky… if you don’t feel gratitude, you actively reduce your chances of getting lucky!
This year I learnt that we are all doing the best we can. I mean,
2. What did you enjoy doing this year?
I spent more time with Mummy Papa this year than in any year in the past 15 years. I really enjoyed being part of a family again. What it did for me, I am sure, cannot be said – I think it changed me in my molecules.
And as always, I enjoyed Chicory this year as well.
3. What/who is the one thing/person you’re grateful for?
I am grateful for everyone.
Pradeep and Matt and Sohail. Ingrid. Anjuma.
Kavitha. Dashanka. Seema. Tanu.
Bhai. Saum. Mummy. Papa. Chicory. Aadi. Parul. Puppi Bua. Amma Daddy.
Anubha Di. Mona Di. Everyone. James. Gauri. Brene Brown. Mary Kowal Robinette. Brandon Sanderson. Dan Wells. And their fourth friend.
Michael Wilson. Inoka. Amala. Neil Gaiman. George Saunders. Lin Manuel Miranda.
People whose kindness has meant that I have lived with a sense of hope rather than that of failure. people who had the power to humiliate or inspire, and chose to inspire.
I hope the best of health and happiness for all of them.
4. What’s your biggest win this year?
I became more me.

5. What did you read/watch/listen to that made the most impact this year?
I am always listening to audiobooks and podcasts, and cannot remember anything beyond 3 or 4 months ago.
In that Design Matters. Writing Excuses. Everything by Brene Brown.
6. What did you worry about most and how did it turn out?
a. Finances b. Career c. Finding a partner.
Got better. Did not get resolved.

7. What was your biggest regret and why?
  • I didn’t make the most of joining University. I didn’t pass my exams. (This was a repeat of not doing well when I worked in Delhi, so it made my regret even worse.)
  • I don’t take C out for walks enough at all. (This time will have a huge impact on how he will be when he grows old and how long he lives!)
8. What’s one thing that changed about yourself?
As I said earlier, I became more me.

9. What surprised you the most this year?
Much like that poster during the feminist march, I am slightly surprised that I am still working on solving the same fucking shit!
no partner, no permanent promotion, and still in a bit of a financial soup!!

And that we are all doing the best we can. Including me.

10. If you could go back to last January 1, what suggestions would you give your past self?
If I knew then what I know now:
  • Firstly, I’d clear my exams.
  • Secondly, I’d get far more serious about 30 minutes of exercise each day.
And finally, for next year,
  • I need to find a simple 5 minutes something, something that resonates with me. (And that would mean that I will be at peace when I am left alone with my thoughts.)

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