Tuesday 8 January 2019

Why failing is not fun.

I remember thinking or reading* one day that it might even be better to fail spectacularly than to fail moderately and be mediocre. The reason being that a spectacular failure forces you to *do* something, eject yourself from a situation where you will not succeed, whereas failing only moderately means you can continue to drag your feet.

Ah well, right now I think my career is in a space of a rather spectacular fail,,, at least for me. I don't expect to be where I am.

Now the thing is failing isn't a thing that ends by itself, whether it started fast or slow it keeps going on... unless you change and do things and keep doing things till finally the Universe also responds... it isn't like weather that passes, it is like a trail walk that wouldn't end till you pick yourself up and walk to the end of the trail, and if you are lucky it is not a very long walk...

Just to make one tiny point here as well:
I do not understand when Brene Brown says "You are enough" - well if my efforts don't get me what I want, how am I enough? If I don't do as much as is required, how am I enough?

PS: I could give feedback to my mangers:
1. Be at least a little bit invested in me; it is your JOB to develop your staff.
2. Be more transparent: tell me more about why things are failing and why things are succeeding
3. If you don't use my work, tell me why
4. If you use it, ACKNOWLEDGE it and tell me why
    (Do you realise that not doing 3 and 4 causes burn out in your staff?)
5. Help me find my strengths - Don't Bloody Write Me Off!!

*Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans  

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