Wednesday, 29 January 2020

The should in the shoulder and other percieved sources of discomfort

I came back from Melbourne with a massively achy shoulder and an upset stomach. I had gone to Melbourne with an upset stomach, so that doesn't count for the argument I am about to make.

Melbourne is a no-mans land for me, I am not with my nuclear family who I love to pieces and I am not with my friends who are fantastic and dependable company - I am with my extended family, my zone of "should." I particularly don't like my Aunty and Uncle, I think they were mean and miserable most of the time that they had a chance to be nice. And I am not very forgiving of people who treat the people who are in their power badly. And maybe because are in each other's zone of "should" I don't have much patience with the most of rest of them either!

Perhaps I would like to be more forgiving, I think - I mean, I have never felt like I have to be more forgiving to old friends after we've outgrown each other. But it is different because these people are family? 

One day, I'll resolve this some how, some day. Till then, when my shoulder will hurt after a trip to melbourne, I will wonder if the zone of should had anything to do with it.

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