Wednesday 12 May 2010

Not that you asked

But my work-life is currently being lived in a frosted fish bowl, which I am sharing with 3 other fish. It used to be a meeting room of old, but now i am going to put milk cartons to use as book shelves and finally un-pack my boxes. Perhaps, in my previous life, i would have wondered, "how much land does a man need?" and for a long time now, I haven't been able to completely unpack my things - at home or at work. (Is this normal?) I am managing ok without all my things, but it will be nice - don't you think?

I have lost my favourite talks that I used to listen in car - my USB stick got corrupted - and Hero hates my having the reading light on at night; not just that, he is also one of those people who actually sleep from 10.30 to 7 - I always thought that was a concept, real people didnt do that. (except Papa.) I have been substituting my favourite talks with the ABC news radio, and I think I could tell Anna Hipsley's voice in my sleep now, but my desire to know whatever is going on in the world is starting to wane; I want to listen to/ read books and get my own life in order. Or what I think would be order - my boxes unpacked, my work happening like, I dont know, the way my brother does it. I idolise my brother (can't you tell?) except you know I haven't lived with him for over 8 years now - so I dont think I can be trusted in that respect. But you have to grant it to him, that he does get his promotions, and absolutely pours his heart into his work - as our Mum used to say when we were kids, "A's work speaks for itself" and I do wonder if he has ever had a bad boss or a boring piece of work*. (i am almost always suffering from one or the other.)

So, not that you asked, but I was happy to talk...

* I am sure there are others and perhaps better, but I know my brother best.

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