Wednesday 25 May 2011

Coffee Spoons?

You have heard of this poem?

I was thinking of it this morning because yesterday evening felt like a waste of precious time, it is amazing when you make petty things in life, a walk 5 minutes too long and in the cold or spices mixed not quite rightly*, important, how unimportant your life becomes. What, the evening is gone, and nothing worthwhile, no rest, no joy, no progress made of it? Nothing that leapt and made the heart rejoices or even challenge and stretch the boundaries of what I know^. Feels like life being measured in coffee spoons, like death by insignificant useless little cuts. Out, out brief candle! There be the radiance of a thousand suns, burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendour of the Mighty one...

*both fictional examples
^tho I think I am quite OVER the challenges for the time being, but I think even when painful, they are meaningful

1 comment:

Paul Kearney said...

Mmm, "measured out my life with coffee spoons". Powerful. Surely, even if we are not poets, we have a duty to seek out "the mermaid song", even though it is painful to do so. I'm not sure exactly what that means anymore, (what the mermaid song means for me) but I believe it in principal.