Wednesday, 19 August 2020

i failed

I feel particular qualified to talk about failure today. That slipping away of the ground, that losing your footing and landing face down - that shock, that surprise, that pain that follows just a few seconds in and that knowledge that the rest of the world is going about its business no problem at all. That frustration that you can't stay face down, that you will come back to this step and will have to try again. And that pure envy that while you would be trying this step over and over again, others would have moved on, they would have gone from this step to another and to another. That for whatever reason you failed, you will spend more energy, more time and more everything to stay where you are. I know also that failure is intense, and you really can't sit with your face down in the sand that long - you will get up, distract yourself, perhaps develop a limp for the rest of your life that would make all steps harded for you for all times, but you will move away. If you are me, you'd wonder how did you end up fat, single, poor, stupid looking - and yet, also lucky for the love and the safety and the many blessings that you take for granted each day. You'd be left slightly confused, unhappy and alone. confused: how do these perceptions go...

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