Tuesday 20 September 2022

A light grip on life

 I've been meditating on the fact that the firmest grip, whether it be on the steering wheel of a car or a tennis racquet, is a light one. White knuckling does not give you a firmer grip, it gives you a weaker grip and it tires you. I have been wondering what that means when it comes to driving my career, my family life or redecorating my home - all of which seem to be slipping out of my control. 

While walking the dog and chatting to Mummy this morning, I had an epiphany: a light grip lets the world in... it gives you enough flexibility to respond to the condition of the road and the trajectory of the ball. A lighter grip acknowledges the Universe and that anything we do, we are doing it together. It is being awake to the world I am living in. It is taking it in and singing together, responding to each other. 

And when it comes to my career, my family life or redecorating my home, having a light grip means to remember that I am doing my best and my best is enough. That doing your best is NEVER white knuckling it, and having a light grip is genuinely the best thing you can do.   

Now I might just get that tattooed on myself. 

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