Monday 7 November 2022

Pensieve (known as a journal or a book in the muggle world)

I am doing my best. My best is enough*. 

Home renovations are nearly finished, only the electrician needs to come and complete the job. And I have bills to pay - the carpet, the water and the electricity. Start the repayment plan for Ikea 50 month interest free. 

The home organisation still needs to be done. Mostly my own wardrobe. Once that moves in, the tools can move into the study where space would have been cleared out for that purpose. I spent the weekend trying to sort the kitchen, with moderate success, and dealing with pms and period cramps. On Sunday I slept a lot. My stomach is still mildly cramping and pain is draining me of energy. 

I recently read a book** where some people could walk out of moving time, i.e., stop ageing and just read (only fiction) books and work on themselves. And then they move back in the world where they can experience life. It was written by someone who, at least at that time, was working a full time job while writing. I think, sometimes, it is cruel for making us choose.   

I will make a wise mother, if I make a mother at all, and I meet so many parents who wish they knew more before they were responsible for a baby and a child and a life.  

Life feels like falling down the rabbit hole, in Alice in Wonderland***. There is no working towards a goal, no momentum to be built, by the time you figure one thing out, you have changed, the world has changed, and life is already moved on. It is frustrating but it is also the ultimate adventure, like the one that Alice had.    

With the home renovation almost complete, Mummy and Papa are here, and before the house or they settle, I have had to go to Adelaide for a few days# and then they will be in Melbourne and then Nishu and Nehal and the kids will be here for a short holiday. 

I have a really fun piece of document to prepare for work and I am basically writing this blog so that  I finally have head-space to start working on it. It almost makes me resent everything else that is a distraction - including a responsibility to tidy up my place, give C some love and attention, or having to go to Adeliade. All of the things that are, in reality, really important for my life.     

*enough to help me achieve my dreams, my goals, my hopes! My potential! 
**the invisible library by Genevieve Cogman 
***what a magical book! I think one day soon I will have time to read books with a paper and pencil and figure out what makes them so magical. The George Saunders's approach in A Swim in a Pond in the Rain. My bookshelf may have these books: Sherlock Holmes, Neverwhere, Nevermoor, Alice in Wonderland  
#how will I work with a single screen!!?! 

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