Monday 26 September 2022

I should be working on a report for work but...

My throat has been hurting since morning, and on and off since last week. I took some Armaford? Armafit? anyway some supplement* from the Pharmacy that is supposed to keep a cold/flu away and it actually worked better than I expected.  My right ear hurts and shoulders and heaven knows what else. My immunity since getting Covid has dropped quite significantly and i seem to be catching every bug that floats past, or is it hay fever? I eat sugar kind of foods to feel better and put on weight and set my self up for boom and bust and crash cycle. 

Bhai got told that he might have Macular Degeneration in one of his eyes and it scared me quite badly. I don't yet trust the diagnosis, I think the woman was an idiot but it is scary none the less.  

I got the floor plan done for the living room and have booked an appointment with the IKEA for tomorrow at lunch time. I am so excited!! I would love to start inviting people over for dinner and drinks again! I have missed that!! Also cheaper than eating out all the time. 

I should be working on a report right now, it has been hard getting up to scratch with background knowledge with the new job. Like walking in treacle, while falling sick over and over, and with no one to talk to. I wish they would get a consultant in and do some team building. Anyho, it is what it is. And I should have been working on a report... 

Emily Barbour and I are to meet for lunch today, but I can't reach her - not by phone or email. Ah her email had been filtered as spam and I couldn't see that she had suggested meeting another time. Works well. 

*Armaforce (Bioceuticals)

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