Monday 17 October 2022

small things done often or a big thing just done once.

Then one of Odin’s sons, Vidar, burning with rage, will charge the beast to avenge his father. On one of his feet will be the shoe that has been crafted for this very purpose; it has been made from all the scraps of leather that human shoemakers have ever discarded, and with it Vidar will hold open the monster’s mouth. 

so is described the Ragnarok at  I remember hearing about the shoe made from all the scraps of the leather that human shoemakers have ever discarded, and wondering what that was all about. And maybe it is about nothing or maybe it is about how small things, done consistently, adding up to something big that changes the course of the world or a life. 

I have the meanest voice that lives in my head, it is so mean that i can't imagine, let alone remember, anyone being so mean to me. To ignore it feels like keeping a balloon under the surface of water in a swimming pool, to pay any attention to it feels like scratching off a scab and making the wound bleed again. i keep wondering where did this voice come from - and i don't really know. i was wondering about small things done often or big thing done once, and I cannot remember either... but C's patient consistent love works so well to dilute it... that it has nearly lost its sting and it might one day just shut up completely!


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